Don't be afraid, it will be fun

Hey guys! I'm Marvin Frachet, a french frontend developer.

I am working on multiple frontend technologies from React & React Native to Angular & Vuejs.

I've written this little book because I'm really (and you seem too) interested in understanding what's happening under the hood of my everyday tools.

I wanted to show you what are the different parts involved in a frontend framework (or library, I don't really care here) and how we can build something that works (it's not competitive on the market) using simple approaches and explanations.

If you have any question or suggestion concerning this book, please open an issue to help the community!

This website has been built using the awesomeness of Vuepress. I suggest you give it a try!

By the way, don't forget to star this repository if you've liked it!

Oh and before starting I suggest you clone this simple starter kit. It embeds a parcel loader for quick launch to start the exercise:

$ git clone
$ cd create-frontend-framework
$ yarn && yarn start

It should start a white page on http://localhost:1234/.